Strategic Planning
Using your strategic planning insights and our technology and assistance, MetaCat offers custom strategic planning solutions at affordable prices! Organizations can complete the strategic planning process online. Managers can search, view and comment on the various plans as they emerge. MetaCat handles complex, multi-year projects that can be easily adapted as project phases progress and workflow management needs change.
A client needed a fast and affordable solution for putting their strategic planning tool online. Their goal is to assist public health departments in preparing for the changes in health care. MetaCat's custom content management platform offered the perfect solution.
Example of the strategic planning tool's main window - showing multiple training steps and multiple lessons used prior to developing the custom strategic plan.
The strategic planning tool offers a series of 3 multi-step training modules (guided practice), including videos, that stimulate strategic thinking about the future of health care. The guided practice steps pose key questions and enable health departments to create, print, and modify their own strategic plans. MetaLogic did not create training materials. MetaLogin configured MetaCat to implement an existing strategic planning tool online.
Using MetaCat, a beta version of the strategic planning tool was up and running in about 10 days. Health departments across the nation are now using the tool. MetaCat's central repository of these plans will eventually enable health departments to view and learn from other plans (as permitted), as well as allow managers to monitor the success of the tool.
Examples of Solutions
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