Interactive Learning Options
MetaLogic's assessment tools and custom solutions are available and customizable as interactive learning tools for use in higher education courses or for professional development workshops. An example of each is highlighted below.
Example of Assessment Tool Use in Higher Education
A professor at the University of Wyoming uses MetaCat's item authoring and review tools in her class of preservice teachers. A class assignment using the tool is to create several constructed response questions and scoring criteria, aligned to Wyoming state standards. The students share and discuss their draft items online. They can then revise and resubmit their test questions with scoring rubrics to the instructor, who can then review and provide feedback online.
The professor wanted to make adjustments in MetaCat to fit the needs of her university class. In just one phone conference we discussed what fields, editing icons, and pull down menus should be added or hidden to reflect her customizations. After the phone call, we were able to immediately make the changes. The professor now has an interactive tool tailored especially for the specific goals and needs of her class exercises.
The screen shot below shows the various components of the template.
Customized Item Development Template
Students found the course, and using the MetaCat Assessment Tools, very valuable. Of course, success was achieved because of a smart, highly-innovative and experienced professor who understood the value of the tools and how to use them to engage the students. Read student feedback.
Example of a Custom Resource Development Tool used in Professional Development
The State Department of Education in Mississippi offers their health teachers professional development workshops in health literacy. They use the HEAP of Books resources, created by health literacy experts, as models. Workshop participants use the Book Resource Development Tool to create and review resources for books available in their schools. Completed book resources are reviewed and then made available to other classroom teachers.