TASK 420

This task asks students to create a newsletter for their classmates titled "The Healthy Choices News." In the newsletter, students will inform classmates about the ways alcohol and other drugs can harm health and the choices young people can make to avoid using alcohol and other drugs.

The information that follows offers suggestions to the teacher on how to facilitate student work on the task. How this information is used is up to the teacher. In addition, the amount of instruction given to students prior to their working on the task is up to the teacher.

Students will divide into groups to complete this task. Each group should first research the possible effects of alcohol and other drugs on one's health and the ways young people can avoid using alcohol and other drugs. Students may look in the library, on the Internet, and talk to doctors, nurses, or other health care providers for this information, which should include:

Each member of a group should research one of these topics.

When the research is complete, each group should plan what their newsletter will look like. To do this, students should look at other examples of newsletters to decide what sections to include in their newsletter (news stories, sports stories, editorials, comics, etc.). Once each group has decided what their newsletter will include, the group should divide the work of creating the newsletter fairly among themselves. Group members should agree on who will create each section (news story, comic strip, editorial, etc.). Each group member should write his/her section on the topic he/she researched.

Each section may contain words, pictures, or both. Students may use a computer if one is available, but it is not required. Students should keep in mind that the newsletter should do the following:

When all the sections are finished, each group should put its newsletter together. Students may use regular plain paper (8 1/2 inches by 11 inches) or larger. Each group should proofread its newsletter before handing it in.

The performance tasks are designed to be completed over multiple class periods. Although some class time is required, it is hoped that students will spend time outside of class working on the tasks. How much class time is spent on the task is up to the individual teacher.

Students will need access to sources of information, such as the library and Internet. Students may also wish to talk to doctors, nurses and other health care providers for information. You may want to find out from your students who they plan to contact and contact these people yourself to let them know your students may be calling.

Students will need access to newsletters for examples of sections to include, writing styles, and layout. Students will also need plain paper (8 1/2 inches by 11 inches or larger) for the newsletter. Students may also need glue or paste and pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc.

This task should be introduced to students after they have been exposed to the effects of alcohol and other drugs on one's health. Students should also be exposed to the ways in which a young person can resist or avoid peer pressure and other pressures to use alcohol and other drugs, and the places in the community where a young person with an alcohol or drug problem can go for help. Students should also have been introduced to effective interpersonal communication.

Assessment Criteria:
Answers will be scored on the following:

  1. How completely and correctly the answer demonstrates an understanding of health concepts.
  2. How well the answer demonstrates the use of interpersonal communication skills to enhance health.